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PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:17 am
She's finally recovered from getting lost.
She now brings her toys to us like she used to so we can throw them and she runs after it and brings it back.
Yes, our cat is playing fetch again!

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:05 am
by geonuc
That ain't right. Cats don't play fetch.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:07 pm
This one does and we both admit its the first time we'd ever seen a cat do such things.
I think she is part dog.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:18 pm
by Swift
I've had cats that played fetch. Our past one, Samantha did a little. Our current two do not, they will chase things you toss, if they are in the mood, but they don't bring them back.

Ginger particularly is a pretty good hunter. There was a big beetle in my office the other day that she quickly dispatched, even though she went in back of this board that was leaning against the wall, when it went in back of it, and the board crashing to the ground startled her.

She still isn't sleeping with my wife. Ginger had a UTI and was getting pills forced down her throat for a couple of weeks. Deb got pretty good at it, but I think Ginger is still holding a bit of a grudge.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:42 pm
by geonuc
I'll your fetch and raise you running to the door to greet you. The boy cat does that. He used to run to the door to see me off after hearing my keys jingle, but he's fallen out of that habit.

He also prostrates himself when he gets to the door. He bows to me.

Ok, ok, I know it's just a stretching kind of thing, but it's weird to have a cat run up to you every time you come in the house and bow. That ain't right, either.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:52 am
by Swift
Not always, but usually they both greet us when we come home. Maki is usually sitting right there on the table by the door to the garage, and Ginger is hiding under the sofa, waiting to see if it is friend or foe.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:23 pm
by Loresinger
we have had cats that:

- figured out how to open a door by sitting on something close by, grabbing the knob and swinging to disengage the latch

- figured out how to open child locked cupboards and climb them to get to sushi wraps

- worked in tandem with the head dog to get X off the cupboard and on the floor but tried to make it look like they just walked in on the situation

- rings the bear bell and hides afterward to get the dogs in trouble for "asking" to go out when they don't need to...

cats are aliens and they ARE plotting our takeover or minimally a way to get to the home world. Where else do you think all those grapes, rubberbands, twist ties, bits of string, straws etc went to (and that is the short list)

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:49 pm
by geonuc
Loresinger wrote:cats are aliens and they ARE plotting our takeover ...


Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:35 pm
geonuc wrote:Ok, ok, I know it's just a stretching kind of thing, but it's weird to have a cat run up to you every time you come in the house and bow. That ain't right, either.

Spaz does that too.
She runs to the door whenever one of us comes home, stands in the middle of the room and bows.
I figured it was her way of greeting us and asking for a scratch.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:39 pm
by Swift
FZR1KG wrote:I figured it was her way of greeting us and asking for a scratch.

Mostly the later.

Maki does something like that. She comes over to you and gets up on her hind legs to get scratched. Helping you out just a little, so you don't have to reach down quite that far.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:42 pm
by Swift
Loresinger wrote:cats are aliens

Every once in a while on CQ/BAUT there are these discussions along the lines of "will aliens like banjo music" or something like that, wild speculations as to what ETIs may be like.

I point out that we have lived for thousands of years with cats and dogs, on the same planet, and descended from a common ancestor, and we barely understand what goes on in those brains; how are we supposed to know anything about real aliens.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:48 pm
I think its the former for Spaz.
She follows us around everywhere to the point that she herds us down stairs to watch the projector.
Yes, she likes to watch it. Particularly Dexter.
Sometimes she greets us but when we go to scratch her she runs away.
She has what we call "touch time" and mostly its non touch time.
She sits with us when we're talking in a room but always out of reach.
If you go to pat her she gets up and moves further away.

Weird little cat and always has been.

The other thing she does is wack time.
Any time we bring something in, say shopping, a box, kindle etc, she approaches very carefully like she's stalking it.
Then she whacks it a few times to make sure its safe.
After that she loses complete interest in it.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:49 pm
Swift wrote:I point out that we have lived for thousands of years with cats and dogs, on the same planet, and descended from a common ancestor, and we barely understand what goes on in those brains; how are we supposed to know anything about real aliens.

But there's more research done on aliens than cats and dogs.
Just ask any conspiracy theorist.

Re: Spaz

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:39 pm
by Loresinger
hey that could be the mother board for all ya know.

wants to see if the paws will work (or if there is enough power)

This message brought to you by Butler who tried to use a straw in a water bowl.