thank you brite & ikyoto!

Just what it looks like...

thank you brite & ikyoto!

Postby code monkey » Wed May 29, 2013 7:43 am

what more can i say?
and still i persist in wondering whether folly must always be our nemesis. edgar pangborn

come gentle night. come loving black browed night
give me my romeo. and when he shall die
take him and cut him out in little stars
and he will make the face of heaven so fine
that all will be in love with night
and pay no worship to the garish sun. william shakespeare
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code monkey
Posts: 1798
Joined: Wed May 29, 2013 7:41 am

Re: thank you brite & ikyoto!

Postby Hap » Fri May 31, 2013 7:10 pm

Just wanted to express my appreciation for all of the work that brite has (and still is) putting into getting this forum up and working properly. It has been a large undertaking, and you have done a wonderful job!

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