by SciFi Chick » Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:35 pm
We're currently replacing the crappy ugly tiles at the foyer of our basement door (turquoise wall tiles) with some lovely volcanic black tiles which go really well with laminate flooring. So, there I am slamming away at the tiles with a crowbar. Mom is watching. We're enjoying a beer. I get a little piece of tile in my flip flop, shake it out, and say to Mom, "I probably should be wearing other shoes to do this." Did I listen to myself? Of COURSE I didn't listen to myself. That would have been sensible.
Less than 30 seconds later, a shard of tile flew and popped a vein on my foot. First time that's ever happened, but I used to be an EMT, so I recognized it right away. The second I looked down and saw the river of red, I was like, "Uh oh." Mom says, "What?" "I hurt myself." This took all of three seconds, and my flip flop was already filled with blood. I was just relieved it wasn't an artery - not because I can't handle an artery on my foot, but because I really didn't want to have to add painting to the list of things we're doing, and I'm also not interested in a spray pattern of blood on the wall.
I plopped down on the mini-fridge, started direct pressure, laughed with FZ over it, and let Mom fuss over me without giving her a hard time.
*sigh* Tomorrow, I will be wearing jeans (in spite of the heat), shoes, and proper safety glasses. Very glad I didn't get hit in the face.
"Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them." -David Gemmel