Canada and South Park

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Canada and South Park

Postby squ1d » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:57 am

I was reading the serious discussion in the thread about the brewing conflict in Ukraine, particularly TSJ's articulate observations about the Canadian government's bullish reactions, and I realized that South Park has made it impossible for me to take the phrase 'Canadian government' seriously.

Jimbo wrote:Canadians .... Australians .... what's the difference?

Anyway, rather than pollute said serious thread, I thought I'd start a new one about the rather excellent game "South Park: The Stick of Truth".

My review of this game is simple: if you are a fan of South Park, you will be a fan of this game, as it is essentially an interactive episode of South Park.

It is a RPG with a turn based combat system. The actual RPG element itself lacks depth, but this didn't hamper my enjoyment. The classes are Fighter, Thief, Ranger and Jew. South Park, what are they like. The turn based combat is hilarious. Magic is based on farts.

There is some definite boundary pushing in the taste department. Several of the mini games are actually censored in the Australian release, but I got the game via Steam and just installed a mod to restore the censored content.

Without spoiling anything, there is a level where you go to Canada and it is pure awesome.
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