Just in time for the 4th

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Just in time for the 4th

Postby cid » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:36 am

Ran across this one...sounds campy and tasty at the same time.

Jello Firecrackers!!

And if you're sure that no kids will be noshing, scroll to the bottom for the high-octane versions... :drool:
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Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby Rebis » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:40 pm

Those are cute, look yummy.
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Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby FZR1KG » Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:12 pm

I live in the old dominion, the one that prides itself on old world values, liberty and individualism.
This is why I can go out and buy a 50 cal barrett, an AK47, semi auto pistols, targets that explode when shot at.
The state where kids of any age can be given any firearm by their parents because they are "responsible".

You just can't buy fireworks that can be used as or have projectiles...it's too damned dangerous and someone will get hurt...
So no skyrockets for example because people can't be trusted to use them safely.
So people here buy sparklers for the 4th.
A sparkler society is a polite society.

Another WTF moment brought to you by FZ.

Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:27 pm

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Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby Thumper » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:19 pm

In this state, you can buy about anything fireworks related, as long as you sign a document stating you'll take them out of the state within 48 hours. So you're allowed to possess them for 48 hours. Any other circumstances possession or igniting is illegal.
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Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby cid » Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:03 pm

Thumper wrote:In this state, you can buy about anything fireworks related, as long as you sign a document stating you'll take them out of the state within 48 hours. So you're allowed to possess them for 48 hours. Any other circumstances possession or igniting is illegal.

Away back when, my two brothers (and assorted friends) went to the local fireworks factory (yes, we have a fireworks FACTORY out on the west edge of town) to load up. Naturally, everyone has to sign reams of paper saying they understand this/that/the other, including ya can't shoot 'em off in The Great State of uhHIya unless you're licensed to do so outen the wazoo.

Lil' bro #2 dutifully fills out said paperwork, including the section about he's gonna take 'em out of state (INSERT STATE HERE -- everyone usually says a neighboring state, and we're really close to either Kentucky or Indiana).

Head paperwork examiner gets to lil' bro #2's pile, and lets out a belly laugh. The line comes to a halt, and everyone's looking (by now, elder younger bro is starting to sweat bullets, because a couple of those in 'his' crowd are just a tad underage and are working off fake ID's, so attention to them is proscribed.)

Head examiner addresses assembled multitudes more or less in these terms:
"I've been workin' here for a long time, but this is the first time someone's come through buying fireworks and then saying they're taking them to Alaska to
shoot 'em off..."

Big laffs, embarrassed grins, transactions proceed, the group beats feet out of there big time, 4th of July proceeds as planned.

True story... :dance: :rofl: :rockon: roll: :wave:
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Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby Thumper » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:33 am

I take mine to Oregon.
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Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby FZR1KG » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:49 pm

So you can buy them, hold them for 48 hours but not use them in your state?

What about if you claim they are for distracting and confusing the enemy in case the Government goes totally corrupt and the people have to form a militia to save the world from a runaway US government?
Pretty sure you have wartime precedents for it.

Or say you are using them in a civil war reenactment.
Or its a new type of self powered test projectile for shooting armour plated deer.

Funny thing in this state, I can go buy a firecracker, if that's what you want to call it, that has 1/2 pound of gun powder in it, LEGALLY.
I can buy lots of them too.
Where I come from they are called bombs...

Re: Just in time for the 4th

Postby Thumper » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:11 pm

Well, they are "simulated" ordinants, aren't they?
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