And to make things more bizarre this happens:
#BREAKING UNASUR, MUD, PSUV and Vatican Announce DialogueWhat's bizarre about it? allow me to explain:
In recent weeks I have noticed that Chavistas are split over Nicky & Co using our hacked job constitution as toilet paper. At least some of the Chavistas are absolutely appalled at all the interference the Government has thrown at the Referendum Process. And about the fact that the State Governor Elections have been delayed. So, if part of the Chavistas are pissed off or weren't even aware that another part of them are going to "negotiate" with the Opposition, it doesn't surprise me.
What surprises me is that a lot of Opposition leaders weren't aware of this, they found out on TV like everyone else. And they're not too happy either.
The opposition delegation was also…peculiar. Present were few, and there is still much confusion about just how cohesive this decision was given this recent tweet from HCR, saying they learned of the meeting when they saw it on TV.
WTF? Dudes, you have been outgunned for the last 15 years because of your sheer stupidity. So, now you go around and start these "talks" without at least giving a heads up to all your major players? If you are unable to even try to reach a consensus on something like this, how can anyone on their right mind trust you to at least attempt to fix this mess we're in, let alone navigate the country through the damned minefield we'd be in assuming the Chavistas actually loosen their grip on the country peacefully? No wonder the international community pays no attention to us. Both sides are completely hapless. IF this was the first time this happened one could say "Ok, it's a messy situation, fuckups are inevitable" BUT THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS HAPPENS, there is NO EXCUSE.
This is NOT the so-called "Vivo Culture" this is sheer incompetence. IF Chavismo were to collapse tomorrow, the opposition would just sit there and say "ok, now what?"
I doubt very much these "negotiations" will go anywhere. At this point it's obvious that trusting the government is stupid. But now, it looks like it's impossible (once again) to trust the opposition.