The Weather Thread

Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Fri May 19, 2017 11:26 am

I still have a can of ash somewhere along with some pumice rocks collected in July of '80 when we visited the site. (as close as they would let you back then).
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Fri May 19, 2017 12:52 pm

Thunder and lightning as I was trying not to wake up this morning. Downpour while I was in the shower. Some clear skies and the Moon as I walked out to the garage. Showers on the way to work. Clear skies and a strange light coming from the east as I walked into my building. And it's not 6:30 am yet.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby pumpkinpi » Fri May 19, 2017 1:42 pm

43 degrees. I broke out the winter coat again, and Rooster asked for her hat and gloves because she was too cold at recess yesterday!
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Thu May 25, 2017 4:37 pm

Gonna be a rainy weekend, as usual. Trying to find the time to mow, and not drown. Oh well, 4 day weekend and a birthday party.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby SciFiFisher » Fri May 26, 2017 12:19 am

We hit 103 this week. And they are saying it will drop down into the mid-70's over the week-end. So far it's a milder start to summer than we have had the last 3-4 years.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby vendic » Fri May 26, 2017 1:38 am

We reached Key Biscane and the weather was really foul. I was getting covered in wash from the waves every second or third wave. Just really nasty chop. Instead of going to Key Largo I decided to cut in to Hurricane Harbor. That's where we are now. The cat's were not happy. Spaz was crying after being splashed by a wave. She normally hangs out with me when we're on the move. I put her inside. The wife had to hold her to calm her down and she was grateful. That is so not Spaz. She hates being held.
It was blowing about 30 mph and a fetch of about 30 miles. Just the wrong wavelength for our boat. I couldn't find a speed to have it comfortable. So after we got into shelter, I cooked up some ribs and I went for a swim. it rained on us while cooking too. Still, it was good to get out. The water is so salty here. I don't remember it being so salty in Oz but maybe it's just been years for me so I can't be sure. I had a layer of salt on me when I came out and air dried. The taste was hard to get rid of too.
It's probably my memory but I used to be a keen spear fisherman when younger and had no such recollection back then.

Tomorrow, we try going past Key Largo. Not sure if that will happen. We have a limited amount of time so that will decide how far we get. I really waned to see the bridges, like on "True Lies". I always wanted to since I first heard about them. Hopefully we get far enough to do so. If not, it will be a fun trip anyway.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Tue May 30, 2017 11:50 am

Mostly the rain held off (the forecast was incorrect if you can believe that). The entire weekend was beautiful. There was a weird orange orb low in the sky as I pulled into work. That means either it's really close to the solstice, I'm late, or both.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby vendic » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:54 pm

The humidity at the moment are crazy here. Even the long time locals are complaining about the rain, not so much the heat.
Some weird system has been over us for over a week now. I just came out of the shower and dried up, in about three minutes I had sweat streaming from me. Like I was doing a massive workout. Time to figure out how to make a cheap AC for the boat. Only so much we can take of this.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby SciFiFisher » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:34 am

The most basic system would be a big tub of ice and a fan. :P
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:43 pm

Supposed to rain here until we head down to rain and humidity in Florida. May not get a mowing in before we leave. Oh well. And it can rain all it wants while I'm on vacation. As long as I'm not at work and can hang with Mrs. T, The Kid, and my Sister, all is well.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:30 am

After a week in sunny Florida, it feels cool back here in Ohio. Have to close the windows at night to keep from getting cold. Had to put a flannel on while working on the sunflowers Sunday night. Apparently, I've turned into a darned southerner.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby pumpkinpi » Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:14 pm

It barely got out of the 60's in MN this weekend. I feel bad for people on lake vacations, but I welcome the cool, cloudy days!
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:30 pm

It's actually been pretty sunny here, just cool and low humidity. I guess that's what happens on the back side of a tropical storm. They said it was hot dry and humid here all last week until the monsoon blew through on Friday.

You have lakes in Minnesota?
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby pumpkinpi » Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:48 pm

A few, I hear.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Rommie » Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:57 pm

There's actually over 11,000! I know this because I did my 4th grade report on a state on Minnesota, and that was one of the highlights. ;)
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby vendic » Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:47 pm

Its 86 and feels like 99.
If your mind just went into the gutter, then you might be old. Lol
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:28 pm

Missed it by thaaat much.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby vendic » Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:25 pm

I loved that show.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:48 pm

You took my next line:

Annnd loving it.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby vendic » Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:57 am

Holy crap it's gone cold. Gone down to 75 tonight!
I have to break out the blankets so we don't get too cold.
We haven't seen a night go below 80 for some time here. It's really chilly at the moment.
Not joking...that's the scary part.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:24 am

Big storms most of this week. Power outages in the area. Most of my in laws' freezer contents spent a night in one of my freezers. Then it got hot. The whiners came out about how hot and humid it was. I stepped out of the building yesterday greeted by a warm summer breeze. It just felt good. A little stagnant when the breeze died before dusk at home, but that's usual. However, my car told me it was 81 this morning at 6:00 just before I got to work. All seems about normal to me. If there is a normal anymore.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby SciFiFisher » Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:09 pm

News this morning is that Arizona has melted. :P
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby Thumper » Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:43 am

We got a little 4 1/2" shower yesterday. Water topped the culverts over the road on both sides of my drive. There was class 4 whitewater in the horse pasture across the road. I lost a big chunk of driveway as the water topped my culvert. That negates about 12 hours of work I put into my ditch in the spring to prevent such a thing happening when we get these hundred year storms. Too bad we're getting them about every 6 months anymore. Can't complain, neighbor around the corner's driveway ended up several hundred feet down the road. And a buddy was chasing his floating washer and dryer around his basement last night. I think that's 8-9" of rain in the last 7 days.
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby pumpkinpi » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:25 pm

I'm glad the driveway was all you lost!!
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Re: The Weather Thread

Postby geonuc » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:43 pm

What pp said.

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