I feel like the over-optimistic estimations right now about when we are getting back to work/ back to normal are driving me bonkers. Like hooray, "only" 2,000 people died yesterday, time to reopen those Florida beaches! I get why people want to be optimistic about getting back to normal, of course, but as I said earlier I have a tough time believing that this summer I'm gonna be doing more than a camping trip to Vermont if we're lucky. That and our joke speculation on if the corner ice cream shop will be able to open as isn't all of ice cream essentially takeaway outside.
I suppose the reason this annoys me is I already know people in my family will think we're overreacting about delaying the wedding a year if that's what it comes to. And be all "hah, look!" if we could have held a gathering of that size. But come on, we're not going to get people attending if they're too scared to travel, and that's the whole
point of doing a second one. (On the bright side, if we delay no need to worry about if the dress would arrive in time from China!)
Also btw, today our masks arrived that we ordered off of Etsy with special patterns- mine is Hawaiian floral, F's is Neko cats. We figured if we need to wear them everywhere we should shell out and have a little fun with it.
Yes, I have a life. It's quite different from yours.