Well guys I'm pleased to report I don't have coronavirus!
Basically as part of going back to work I needed to get tested in person, so I went down to the medical center to do so. In and out in 10 minutes, of which maybe half was trying to figure out the app they want you to use. Then it's also not the "brain swab" test here- you actually did it yourself while someone watched, basically move around a q-tip one inch up your nostril a few times and stick it back in a plastic bag/ put it in a test bin. I will need to keep doing this every week, mind, but it'll be self administered and I just grab it and do it myself at the office.
So yeah, pretty awesome and painless process, but I think the trick is Harvard obviously is one of very few who can afford such a thing. (If you live on campus you have to do it 2-3 times a week even.) But I've realized this also makes us feel better too, in that we are obviously taking a bit more risk coming back to the city and me going into the office, and while we are still cautious at least we'll know pretty quick over spreading it all over.
We're pretty happy to be here, because while I love my parents after a few months we appreciate our space.
Plus hey, change of scenery! Yesterday was our 1st anniversary, so while this year obviously did not go as we expected (man I hope we finally have a reception before the 2nd), we had a pretty awesome day going to a sculpture garden (I miss art, so that was a great solution), and we managed to get reservations to a local restaurant that basically took over a garden for an
amazing meal. (You know it's really good when before the appetizers are done your husband is already plotting when to return!) Now I've gotta get some work done, but we're planning on a bike ride down by the Charles River later.
To be clear, Boston is so screwed once the cold weather sets in and we can't do anything outdoors any more. (They're running "get your flu shot" ads on the radio like every second ad.) And we feel insanely lucky to be able to draw on so many resources, like mandatory testing of everyone at work. But for now, we're doing good.
Yes, I have a life. It's quite different from yours.