Just venting a bit

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Just venting a bit

Postby Rebis » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:34 pm

No need to discuss extensively nor rehash. Just have to say this!!

Pastor of husband's ex-church wrote. Hopes we'll come back. :shock:

Won't rehash much, but (aside from my being Pagan now) here's the rundown: Husband (disabled) attended there 17 years. With 1 exception (married couple w/daughter) NO ONE there cared during years of seizures, two hospitalizations, etc. NO ONE (except that couple w/daughter) ever telephoned, asked if they could help, visited...NO ONE.

I began attending there (years ago now) after feeling guilty for husband "going it alone" for so long, and wanting to help with a weekly charity program. What thanks did I get? Initial hostility (apparently I should have been there MUCH sooner), rampant gossip (included hired staff and help, trickling out into the community), a group of aggressive wolves and other creeps coming out of the woodwork (I'm very pretty, husband's disability/health makes him look much older - provoked sordid speculation).

I mean, REALLY? :x

The pastor knows what goes on there. I told him.

Hoping we'll return is just as NUTS as suggesting a battered wife return to her batterer...a Jew stay in Nazi Germany to help shine light on those deluded racists...an honor student remain in a classroom full of violent thugs on the fast-track to expulsion or dropping out.

Only in organized religion.

Based on my experience, there's only two sorts who stay in churches: Those in charge, who lord it over others (getting their kicks and jollies) ... and the dummies willing to stay there and put up with it. :hammer:

/end vent
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Re: Just venting a bit

Postby Rebis » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:10 pm

P.S.: The pastor also put in that (typical) guilt zinger: Those at church may not be perfect (they sure aren't!), but they're being faithful to God.


Gee. I'd hate to see what these people would be like if they WEREN'T "being faithful to God."

That mentality! I will never understand it.

So be a hypocrite doing all kinds of nasty crap...but so long as you're attending church you're OKAY. :halo: :liar:

Leave and get on with your life (honor, integrity, actually treating others as you'd like to be treated)...you're WRONG.

Woooo! :drink:

I sure am not buying it.
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Re: Just venting a bit

Postby geonuc » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:37 am

You've mentioned the church a few times. All I can say is what you're already doing - stay away.
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Re: Just venting a bit

Postby Rebis » Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:25 am

geonuc wrote:You've mentioned the church a few times. All I can say is what you're already doing - stay away.


I've also told my husband enough of what's gone on there, to permanently quash any desire on his part to return. Effectively quashed!

I'm also discouraging him from attending elsewhere, though that'd be his decision - and going alone.

I'm on the Pagan path, period.
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Re: Just venting a bit

Postby Rebis » Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:16 am

...and earlier today (mid-afternoon) I was at the mall. Here comes the wife and 19-year-old daughter of one of that church's biggest wolves (fortunately he's very obvious and she's onto him). I had/wanted nothing to do with him, yet he's incredibly persistent/aggressive.

It's been quite a while, and yet from the girl is a definite reaction (look) of "Omigosh, mom - it's that woman."

Mom looked miffed. They silently side-stepped me.

No problem! I also ignored them and kept going.

The gossip and trouble in that church is off the scale.

And that coming from strangers who certainly behave as though *they know you.*

Ah well. Good riddance.

But it's so ridiculous; I sat in that church over a year with that woman and her daughter, and even a polite "Hello, how are you?" is impossible.

Waste of bricks and electricity.
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