Interesting article - When a Facebook friend dies

Interesting article - When a Facebook friend dies

Postby Swift » Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:51 pm

Though the article is particuarly about someone befriended through Facebook, I think we all can relate to this experience with on-line friendship.

Social media had come along and created a new way to have a friend.


I have often used quotation marks in the past when referring to a Facebook "friend" with more than a touch of sarcasm. Are Facebook connections really friends?

I have absolutely no hesitation in using the word to describe my relationship with my dear friend Jim, whose absence from my daily life has left a palpable emptiness. I miss him. Something has truly changed in my life because he's gone.

And I'm not alone. Hundreds and hundreds of people have poured out their emotions in that electronic community. At times, it feels as real, as close, as if we were standing in the same room. In some respects, we are closer.

Online, people express themselves with a special openness. They don't have to wait their turn to speak, and the ones with small voices or introverted personalities can convey big, profound, touching emotions. Online we can develop a kind of intimacy that eluded us in the nonvirtual world. On social media, we can share -- as Jim so often did -- big and small parts of our life, without worrying that others are too busy or simply not interested in hearing it.

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Re: Interesting article - When a Facebook friend dies

Postby SciFi Chick » Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:58 am

I'm going through something like that right now. I met a guy on an online game awhile back, and then we became 'friends' on Facebook. I never thought much of it, but recently his father died and he invited me to the funeral. I thought to myself - I have time on my hands, and it's close by, and it if really means that much to this guy, okay, I'll go. He organized it as an event. I clicked that I was coming to the event, and within hours I heard from him - he's really grateful that I'm coming and can't wait to meet me in person...

Very scifi.
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