The Cheerios Commercial

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The Cheerios Commercial

Postby cid » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:13 am

Ya know, I didn't even notice the 'race card' in this...
I just thought it was funny...
Heard it being discussed on Dish Nation last nite, and again at a commercial establishment while I was in line.
Someone's pissed about it? Someone has too much time on their hands.

BTW -- my littlest sister is adopted and biracial, and I have more biracial nieces'n'nephews than I can count right now...and due
to the various combinations, even for a giggle I gave up calculating percentages a long while back (one of the kids had a question
about it, and my knowledge of genetics and math went phuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuq that in a hurry...).

WTF...they're family...end of declarative statement.
Dear Algebra -- stop asking us to find your x. She's not coming back - ever. Get over it.
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Re: The Cheerios Commercial

Postby FZR1KG » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:45 am

W.T.F. is WRONG with people???? flame:

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