But the American right has an intellectual tradition that has all been forgotten by the media in recent years.
The media has forgotten it because it hasn't been exhibited in years.
I don't disagree with what he is saying. There has been a long tradition of intelligent, well-spoken, gentlemen conservatives for a long time in American politics. While I have not agreed with everything they've said, it was at least well said and usually had good points.
Unfortunately, both for them and the rest of us, they have allowed conversative politics to become dominated by groups like the Christian Right, and people like Glen Beck, Rush Limbargh, and Carl Rove. I never can quite figure out if Beck and Limbargh are just crazy or bigots or have specific agendas that they are trying to push with their acts - I think it is a little of all three. I think the top item on their agendas is self-promotion. I think people like Rove and Fox News are basically fronts for a strong group of wealthy oligarchs who are trying to control US politics for the own advantages (mostly financial).
The Traditional Conservatives have done it mostly to themselves. They liked the voting blocks of the Christian Right and the Crazies (I put the Tea Party in with the Crazies), but unfortunately for them, they've lost control of these groups. The Christian Right and the Crazies know THE TRUTH and are on divine missions to spread it and are beyond control or rational thought. The Oligarchs are happy as long as they keep making money and I think, more than the Crazies like Ted Nuggent, dominate the direction of the GOP (I'm not sure they are really conservatives, in any real political sense). It is an open question to me as to whether the Oligarchs can control the Tea Party and the Crazies any better than the Traditional Conservatives, but they are at least not bothered by the moral issues the affiliation may raise.
At least that's my take on all of this. I don't have a clue as to how it will turn out.