Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

Postby FZR1KG » Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:21 am

Spaz likes to go out on the back porch. Lately she's been hanging around one corner almost exclusively.
I saw her trying to get something while peeking through the decking. So I checked it out.
I started removing some old lining I placed there to protect the lawn mower from rain and almost had a nest fall down.
Luckily it didn't.
Turns out we have a nest of Carolina Wrens under our porch.
At the time one hatched. Now we have about 4 that have hatched.
For a while I wasn't sure if the parents abandoned the nest but figured they probably wouldn't.
I set a camera up to see if the parents were coming back but observed nothing. No motion alarm tripped but I'm having software issues with it.
So tonight I went out with the flashlight and shined down through the decking.
The parents were there. So we have a little family of wrens living under the porch.
Two more weeks and I can take the lining down, for now it's a home to some cute little birds.

Re: Carolina Wren

Postby Swift » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:29 pm

Cool. I like Carolina Wrens, that are such perky little guys. We get them on our feeders once in a while.
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Re: Carolina Wren

Postby FZR1KG » Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:58 pm

loud little things they are.

Re: Carolina Wren

Postby Rommie » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:35 pm

Bird neighbors are fun to have. :)

It's funny how some years you notice things you never did before even though they were there, and on a bird note for me this year it's the swallows. The European ones winter down in southern Africa then migrate thousands of miles north, and they suddenly showed up one day in late May and I've been enjoying them ever since. And I know I'll be sad when they go... which is funny because it's not at all like I noticed them at all last year.

It's the little things!
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