Branson offers unlimited holiday time

Branson offers unlimited holiday time

Postby Rommie » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:20 pm

Pretty much as I just said.

I confess at first glance it sounds like it'd be really good, but am I the only one who'd be a touch nervous about it after reading this part?

"The assumption being that they are only going to do it when they feel 100% comfortable that they and their team are up to date on every project and that their absence will not in any way damage the business - or, for that matter, their careers!"

I mean, if I had a good boss then yes, sounds like a fun plan. If you don't though... well honestly someone going on holiday is always kind of damaging to others and you're never 100% "up to date," so it's a really good way to ensure you will never get any holiday time. Seriously easy to take advantage of employees, and it depends on the company culture but I think in most cases I'd just rather take the "X weeks off" or whatever.

(Note: I guess I am similar in some ways because I take off "about five weeks" of holiday time a year, but don't usually check with my adviser unless it's more than a week. But then at least I have an expectation of around how much time to take off, even if it's nice to not have forms to fill out and such.)
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Re: Branson offers unlimited holiday time

Postby Swift » Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:00 pm

Yes, I'd have exactly the same concern. There is never a good time to take vacation. I have, on occasion, tried to time my vacation so that it would be the "best" (or least worst) time for work. It never works out, and sometimes has made the situation more difficult. The reality for most of us now a days is that there is no good time.
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Re: Branson offers unlimited holiday time

Postby SciFi Chick » Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:41 pm

What both of you said. This is a horrible idea. Much better to define it. I absolutely love how in Australia, you are automatically given a certain amount of time, and if you don't take it, they will force you to take it. Much healthier culture.
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Re: Branson offers unlimited holiday time

Postby Rommie » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:55 am

Yeah, they do that here too I think, not that I've tested it.

As I said I think it works well here in academia- by law I get a certain amount of time (5 weeks), but the institute policy is you don't officially file for it but rather just discuss it with your supervisor for when you want your week off etc. (I also sometimes take off random Fridays I admit.) So the benefit of it being lax enforcement is there, but if I wasn't getting my vacation time I could always go to HR and they would mandate that I get it I s'pose.

I also think what annoys me is how reading through the comments of the article no one seems to think about this and just says how jealous they are of the people who work there etc. Once again, it could work well in a healthy work culture as I know firsthand, but it really isn't setting a great precedent for others.
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Re: Branson offers unlimited holiday time

Postby squ1d » Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:55 am

I agree, it is a polished turd.

I have leave in 2 weeks. If this system was in place I wouldn't be able to take it.

A better plan would be to correctly run your business so no person was irreplaceable (because NOBODY is in the long run) and then people can take their holidays stress free !
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