It's been political from the get-go...

Poli-meaning many
Tics-blood sucking insects

Yep... that about sums up the Government...

It's been political from the get-go...

Postby cid » Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:50 am

This case has reeked of politics from the start...but these "students" leave me with my gast flabbered...

It makes me wonder just what sort of an 'education' they're getting.
I quote from the article:
Goddard, a low-residency school where students, staff and faculty spend eight days on campus twice a year, holds 20 commencement ceremonies every year, so students in each degree program can individualize their graduations and choose their speaker...Goddard students design their own curriculums with faculty advisers and do not take tests or receive grades.

No tests and no grades...the students select a convicted murderer as the commencement speaker...something here is grossly out of alignment...
Dear Algebra -- stop asking us to find your x. She's not coming back - ever. Get over it.
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