Memories of daze gone by...

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Memories of daze gone by...

Postby cid » Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:45 am

A bit of a convoluted path, but...

Some casual surfing of teh intertubes brought me to a UToob video with a trailer by an actor I remembered from waaaaaaaaaaay back...and then pieces started falling into place. Yeah, Steve Forrest played The Baron, back in the day when secret agents of all kinds were running around saving various aspects of our culture...except that this episode had some "lady" in a bubble bath, and seeing as it was a rerun, was on the local tellywision on a Saturday afternoon just in time for Mom to see that scene and totally forbid me to ever watch that show again...

But she couldn't eradicate a memory of the show's theme song...I was an up'n'coming trumpeter, and the theme's discordant harmonies along with that real trick up-the-scale slurring really stuck with me. It's odd the things that reside deep in the brain...but the memories that came back when I found that theme again...

Wanna listen? Here ya go...
Dear Algebra -- stop asking us to find your x. She's not coming back - ever. Get over it.
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