Nosy Latin American chimes in US Election :P

Poli-meaning many
Tics-blood sucking insects

Yep... that about sums up the Government...

Re: Nosy Latin American chimes in US Election :P

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:04 pm

Rommie wrote:
He's also not going to win, sorry. :P

He deserves to win. Meanwhile, Hillary deserves to go to jail. :P
"Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them." -David Gemmel
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Re: Nosy Latin American chimes in US Election :P

Postby vendic » Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:40 pm

Swift wrote:I can't imagine the Democrats taking the House; the Republicans have spent 20 years gerrymandering districts such that it would be almost impossible.

I know what you mean. Like, who in the Democratic party can rally up voters from the independents and even the Republicans to follow him. That's the sort of person we need, someone that can energize the electorate. Pity there's no one anyone can think of.
So we'll stick with the assumed unpopularity contest for the General election. Two almost equally despised candidates in decades are the best hopefuls, is what the media is pushing. It's comedy gold.

Then, when it's time to vote for the senate, it will be awesome because no matter who is the President, Trump or Hillary, the people will vote to ensure they have little support, because they really really do hate them.

I just wish we could find a candidate that has good favor-ability ratings, history of working with both parties and has the peoples interests in mind. If only we could find such a person. Sadly, no one is on the horizon. So we'll stick with the shit we have had for years. :)

Not having a go at you swift, just thought I'd poke a little fun at the situation. :P
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