This is terrifying and completely insane

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Tics-blood sucking insects

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This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby Cyborg Girl » Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:23 am

Some idiot in North Carolina firebombs the Hillsborough, NC Republicans' office: ... ked-229865

Clinton offers sympathy, North Carolina Republicans acknowledge... And then Donald Trump tweets this:

Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP

Just Googling around, the Trump supporters are quite literally calling for blood. And local Repubs are calling it a hate crime. Seriously.

You idiots are literally running your platform on hate. You want to deport 11+ million people in a ridiculously short time frame, outright ban immigrants by religion, and reimplement stop-and-frisk. Your entire platform is to assign blame to whole demographics and systematically fuck them over. Your candidate has been outright promoting violence, voter intimidation, and the jailing and assassination of political opponents.

Firebombing an office is wrong, criminal, and fucked up, but how fucking dare you talk about hate crimes while your candidate parleys with Nazis. How fucking dare you talk about evil while your followers literally chant "Kill them all!" and "Hang her!" at rallies.

I feel like banging my head on something. Really fucking hard. People have utterly taken leave of their senses, I cannot fucking believe this country.
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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby Loresinger » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:52 am

He insights anger - he gets it. I feel sorry for anyone in the line of that nastiness
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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby Rommie » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:54 am

Am I the only one whose first thought was of the Reichstag?
Yes, I have a life. It's quite different from yours.
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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby SciFi Chick » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:43 pm

Rommie wrote:Am I the only one whose first thought was of the Reichstag?

Someone else might have thought of that, but I had to Wikipedia it after you mentioned it.
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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby Cyborg Girl » Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:11 pm

Rommie wrote:Am I the only one whose first thought was of the Reichstag?

No you are not. I've seen that all over Twitter. :(
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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby SciFiFisher » Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:43 pm

Rommie wrote:Am I the only one whose first thought was of the Reichstag?

Brite and I discussed that this morning too! Of course, it is possible that it was a Trumpite who was upset with the GOP for not completely supporting Trump. :o
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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby code monkey » Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:47 am

Rommie wrote:Am I the only one whose first thought was of the Reichstag?

and still i persist in wondering whether folly must always be our nemesis. edgar pangborn

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Re: This is terrifying and completely insane

Postby Cyborg Girl » Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:30 pm

And oh hey, the Democratic HQ in that area was attacked on the same night: ... irebombed/

But I don't see that getting any news coverage at all.
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