But, when I try to explain why I am a Christian (or at least identify as one) it is difficult when people see examples like the whack jobs who show up to protest homosexual funerals. Or claim that the U.S. is having such a difficult time because we have strayed from God's way by accepting LGBT rights. And then I found this article. Why I’m a Christian (And Continue to Suck at Being One)
Other religions say: “This world is going to hell. It doesn’t matter. It’s not real, but a shadow, so we wait until we die and escape this. We wait until the next life.” However, Christ teaches that his goal within the resurrection is to transform the world. Christ teaches his goal is a new heavens and new earth here on earth. Not that we convert people to our tribe and wait for God to nuke this place, but that we’re in the business of restoration. That we bring hope to the hopeless. That we help the needy, poor, and oppressed. That we give generously, freeing the captives and the addicted. That we transform the world where disease and suffering are alleviated. That we treat others different than us better than ourselves
This is the kind of Christianity that I want to be a member of. Even if I don't think God takes that much personal interest in us individually.