Takin' a tip from Jerry...

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Takin' a tip from Jerry...

Postby cid » Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:34 am

...Ford, that is...

This all just smacks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of religious fundamentalism, knee-jerk reactions, and political (you think the church isn't political? Guess again...) paybacks.

This is NOT the way they ran things in the church when I was a kid (or they weren't so blatant about it, one of the two). This is the kind of cr@p that merely reinforces my skepticism...

Dad was a deacon in the church; he passed away in 1998. I would be extremely interested in his take on this, were he still here.
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Re: Takin' a tip from Jerry...

Postby Rommie » Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:53 am

Church has people leaving so they're trying to remind people of those who did good recently- though yes crazy as usually the sainthood process should take something like a hundred years.

I will say though it's not surprising to me as a few weeks ago when I was in St Peter's in Rome I noticed they'd moved John Paul II's grave- he used to be down in the crypt with everyone else (where he was 4 years ago, it was certainly crowded) but now he's up in the main part of the cathedral where all the tourists go. His side alcove was packed with worshippers, more than any other part of the Church.

You'd be pretty stupid to not capitalize on that kind of star power IMO...
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