Swift wrote:Rommie wrote:After talking to several old white dudes today reassuring me it'll be ok
I guess I'm just another old white dude, but it will be OK. But it won't be OK any time soon; maybe not in my lifetime. Probably in your lifetime; certainly in PP's kids' lifetime.
It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And it will get worse in ways that I think most people are not expecting.
I don't really expect WWIII, in fact I suspect we will get along great with the Russians. But it is going to be bad for the economy. It is going to be bad if you are a Syrian refugee. Its going to be bad if your health care was part of the ACA. Its going to be bad if you are in the lower middle class (did you really think Trump was going to help you?). It is going to be bad for the environment, and for a very long time to come (the NPS and a lot of other worthy agencies are going to pay for all those tax breaks for Trump's rich friends).
I've been telling this to myself too... but then keep coming back to that climate change bit upthread.