Simple and Yummy

Can't have a bar without a Grill... So here's where we discuss great (and no so great) food. The good, the bad and the "even the dog won't eat it" mistakes of our culinary attempts...

Simple and Yummy

Postby Loresinger » Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:36 am

ok we all love the pretty fancy dishes but what do you make out of x, y and z in your refrigerator that just taste good?

We just did german potato salad with sliced grilled dogs .. damn, terrible for you but tastes so good.
Dance in your kitchen; play with your food
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Re: Simple and Yummy

Postby FZR1KG » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:42 am

We make Pad See Ew.
We keep the sauces and eggs in the fridge, always have veggies to go with it and rice noodles in the cupboard.
Takes only a about ten minutes to make if you soak the noodles before hand.
With everything pre-chopped and chicken pre boiled, about three minutes so I just make it on demand.
Best fast dinner I have ever made.

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