Latest studies find that 8 people now own more wealth than the bottom 50% of the World's population. ... ics-broken
The gap is continuing to increase.
What I'm getting at is that long ago people could survive without a job for longer periods of time.
SciFiFisher wrote:I wonder what the relative quality of life is for the majority of the people? There have been a couple of articles recently showing that the relative quality of life today is far better than it was 200 years ago, etc, etc.
vendic wrote:The other thing that makes history hard to compare to the modern era is that we all have far greater access to information and to share information. Things going viral were not so common or easy back then as news traveled slow. Now news travels so fast one could imagine the entire country going berserk at the same time whereas in the past this would take time to spread making it less problematic and easier to contain. This makes a movement far easier to start and it also puts wealth disparity out there in the public eye where before the poorer people wouldn't even have access to that sort of thing.
What I'm saying is that all the pre-conditions are already here for such an unprecedented event. All that's missing is the right spark. This is a huge problem that never existed before and most likely has not even been considered by our politicians. There were plenty of signs and time between the peasants being unhappy and the peasants revolting in times long gone. I'm not so sure that exists anymore. Considering the revolutions that did happen in the past given that the signs were there and no one acted, what will it be like now that it's quite possible for it to happen near overnight?
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