After the whole James Gunn fiasco, I am soooooo not the least bit fucking interested in any defense, by ABC of their treatment of Roseanne.
Call me a throwback, but I'm a capitalist through and through. I'd much rather see Roseanne go down because people don't want to watch her. And if they do want to watch her, no matter what she says, let's investigate that.
But, goddammit, don't tell me what to believe. I don't think what ABC did to Roseanne was right. I don't think what Disney did to James Gunn was right. And I don't think what the large social media platforms did to Alex Jones was right.
I am not the LEAST bit interested in having elite assholes determine what the rest of us do and don't hear and see. I am FAR more interested in letting the market decide.
The same motherfuckers that are so against the above named will totally support Roman Polanski, a man who drugged and butt raped a 13-year-old. So, everyone in Hollywood and the media can get off their fucking high horses right now.
"Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them." -David Gemmel