No, but they plan to put a law out that will allow them to block everything (as if they needed one)
Now this would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
From this pieceOnce again, he ignored the disregard of the international community, but last night, it was revealed that his team asked journalist María Elvira Salazar for an interview to send a message to U.S. President Trump. Salazar has an interesting story to tell about that: “We’re true, we’re people you can talk and negotiate with,” said the usurper to Trump, imploring a meeting in person that allows them to meet and overcome the prejudices against him.
Oh yeah, some yahoos that style themselves as "The Citizen's Platform in Defense of the Constitution" (with that long winded name they've GOT to be Commies)
just came out proposing a "transparent referendum to renew all public powers". Saying that they "reject both Maduro and Gauido's US-EU-Group of Lima sponsored Parallel State.". (Sorry, link in Spanish from the inevitable site)
Of course they're commies. After all they say this
En la rueda de prensa se le dedicó mucha atención a la descripción de las implicaciones de la declaración internacional del Grupo de Lima, constituido por los gobiernos de varios países latinoamericanos, que actúan en concierto con el gobierno de Donald Trump, y que apoyan la pretensión del presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de establecer un gobierno y Estado "paralelo" en Venezuela, con respaldo de ese grupo de gobiernos y de los Estados Unidos, bajo lo que denunciaron como una operación "intervencionista".
Much of the Press Conference was focused on the description of the implications of the international declaration of the "Lima Group". Formed by the governments of several Latin American countries that act in collusion with Donald Trump's government and that support the aspirations of the president of the National Assembly to establish a "Parallel" State and Government in Venezuela, with the backing of that group of governments and the US. Which they denounced as an "interventionist" operation".
BTW: the so called "Lima Group" is an ad-hoc group formed by Most of Latin America with Canada and the US. Mexico is part of it too. Of course, now that they put a PSF in power they' don't want to be a part of it.