Fun stuff, I got to finally meet Donna Strickland today, as she gave the colloquium for the physics department here in Toronto. Grabbed a seat next to my friend and her dad (who it turns out was literally in the same lab in grad school, but gave up his academic career for hers), and got invited to lunch after, so that was cool! Just the nicest, typical Canadian family. And apparently you have to make tough decisions after winning the Nobel Prize, like you're invited on the series finale of Big Bang Theory but
also that's the day you are invited to meet the Prime Minister- and Trudeau won out!
I also really thought it was funny that my friend had to give her mom some computer help pre-talk. Apparently it does not matter how credentialed your mom gets, you always need to give her computer help.
Talk itself was nice btw, she's a great explainer and I recommend going to hear her speak if you get the chance. I particularly liked the "I always need a theorist to help me, and maybe now that I won the Nobel Prize that will happen!" and "I always thought this theory was bonkers, and now that I won the Nobel Prize I can say that" jokes. Made me think those things are pretty useful.
Yes, I have a life. It's quite different from yours.