So this was already apparent to a lot of us, but the Atlantic kind of puts a rubber stamp and some extra detail on it:
"Across the country, social distancing is morphing from a public-health to political act. The consequences could be disastrous." ... re/609019/
So TBH I know a wide variety of people on the leftie side of the political spectrum, from center-left Democrats to state communists to anarchists. Many of them I get along well with; some I consider kind of gonzo, but wind up working alongside because hey, things are just that dire right now.
At the moment though, what I'm seeing is that basically every one of these people, including the actual anarchists, is taking the pandemic seriously and pleading everyone to socially distance, self isolate, find ways to help friends without exposing self, etc. Even the people who literally don't want governments to exist are all, "stay the fuck home and play it safe."
Meanwhile, a lot of the same people I used to see idolizing cops are now "LOL this is a hoax, it doesn't matter, it won't affect me! Fuck you libs trolololol," even while their beloved officers are all like "Hey no stay the fuck home."
IDK what this says exactly, but I think it says something important.