"Thin blue line"

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"Thin blue line"

Postby lady_*nix » Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:49 pm

So cops in Philly did a photo op with a Black child, claiming they'd picked him up barefoot on the streets.

Turns out... no. They'd busted open the windows on his mom's car, dragged her out and beat her, and kidnapped her child. Seriously.

https://www.theroot.com/after-philadelp ... 1845533102

Yeah I don't really have anything to add. This speaks for itself.
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby Rommie » Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:41 pm

Me neither. It's awful.

Also, a more minor BMR than that, but I friggin' hate the "thin blue line" flags. For a simple reason, I grew up being taught that it's sacrilege/ probably also against the law to alter the flag like that. I remember having an American flag bikini in college for example and my mom losing it because that's disrespectful. So why the hell are you desecrating the flag when you claim you're all for law and order? :think:
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby lady_*nix » Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:00 pm

"It's okay if you're a Republican."

Their hypocrisy, like everything else, is a means to an end; that end being power over others. Being a hypocrite, knowing it, and not giving a damn is both a demonstration of power and a way of maintaining it.

Edit: like seriously this is the same psychology as bullies. "I can do this, but you can't, because I say so and I can beat you up." It's all sadism all the way down.
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby SciFiFisher » Mon Nov 02, 2020 11:15 pm

How on earth did they not realize this would be a bad idea? :confused:
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby lady_*nix » Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:01 am

Extremes of in-group/us-vs-them thinking, racism, and self-righteousness. Groupthink. Elitism, in the sense of thinking themselves better than "civvies". Conservatism, in the sense of thinking there should be groups protected but not restricted by the law vs. groups that are restricted but not protected. Being drunk on power, because they have the guns and the training and the money, and basically nobody can stop them. Total lack of consequences and accountability. Internal politics that weed out the "good cops" who show too much creativity, empathy, or willingness to call out bullshit.

So, pretty much the same formula that has worked for totalitarian goons throughout the 20th century.
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby lady_*nix » Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:54 am

Here's another one: Louisville PD knew that two of their officers were pedophiles, and systematically covered up their abuse, lying to the public about the existence of 738,000 legal records of these creeps abusing children.

https://amp.courier-journal.com/amp/622 ... ssion=true

See here for the non-paywalled version: https://archive.vn/sb49l

IDK even what to say. This is so far beyond the beyond.
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby lady_*nix » Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:21 pm

An update on the OP: the city of Philadelphia is going to compensate the mom to the tune of $2 million.

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ph ... d_nn_tw_ma

Honestly ten times that wouldn't be enough, but it's something.

Edit: i wouldn't blame her if she put a lot of that money into moving elsewhere. The cops probably have it in for her and her kid even more now.
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby Rommie » Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:56 pm

the city of Philadelphia is going to compensate the mom to the tune of $2 million.

Which of course actually means the taxpayers of Philadelphia are on the hook for this depravity. Ugh.
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Re: "Thin blue line"

Postby code monkey » Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:06 am

[quote="lady_*nix"]"It's okay if you're a Republican."

how have i missed this? she can be taught! my work is done!
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