So, a few months ago I went to a talk by Randall Munroe (ie, xkcd comics guy), and somewhere in that discussion Randall was asked a question like the age-old "what is a planet?" Response from Randall was to point out that debates about the definition of words are not really useful as debates about the science behind them, and holy crap did that resonate with me. So I've been implementing it more in my daily life since- for example, turns out there's a shit ton of theory papers in astro that boil down to "let's argue over the definition of this word over the science behind this word." I know this because we have a grad student who brings these papers regularly to group meeting. So now, after a minute or two of discussion just to make sure this isn't a question of "I don't understand the science" I point out to her this is actually a definition question over a science one, so instead of spending 15-30 minutes frustrated by the boring direction of things we now usually wrap it up and move onto other topics.
Similarly, I was emailing my dad about something and as part of his response he insisted to me conspiracy theories don't exist in science, there are only alternate theories. (Apparently stuff like flat Earth is neither, that's just stupid. Things can be both!) I was about to be drawn into this but then was like you know what dad, feel free to call it whatever you want, there's plenty of shit in my inbox that's flat out wrong but I don't see the value in arguing over the definition of if that's a conspiracy theory, alternate theory, or pseudoscience, because that's a question of definition over substance. Which of course got a giant, long response, but I just don't feel obliged to respond again because I already explained why.
Anyway, I feel like I have a great life hack now in getting out of boring arguments I don't like, as it turns out a lot of them are just definition related over substance related. And maybe y'all knew this. But for some reason I didn't, and thought it's an interesting enough distinction to share here (particularly as traditionally forums like this had a lot of debates about definitions over substance!).