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Re: BMR Lite

Postby pumpkinpi » Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:01 pm

Swift wrote:Fuck. I give up. Who can I surrender to? Image

The Wicked Witch of the West, if you were Dorothy.
Too bad ignorance isn't painful.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby geonuc » Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:46 pm

pumpkinpi wrote:
Swift wrote:Fuck. I give up. Who can I surrender to? Image

The Wicked Witch of the West, if you were Dorothy.

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Re: BMR Lite

Postby SciFi Chick » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:45 pm

geonuc wrote:
pumpkinpi wrote:
Swift wrote:Fuck. I give up. Who can I surrender to? Image

The Wicked Witch of the West, if you were Dorothy.

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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Loresinger » Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:17 pm

ever had a day that felt like two?

had to be up at 5 to get house ready and to work by six. Got hit with over 50 med errors to record, document, and trend as well as documents from a med class of 30 people, site surveys, AND it's clinic day which means billing, doctors notes and lots of individuals.

On way home must pick up draino (clocked sink), transfer Iky to car for appointment and back, make him dinner, do some chores, and edit an article. My eyeballs feel like scratched glass (those of you who do lots of spread sheets know the reference intimately).

Tomorrow won't be quite[i][/i] as packed (hopefully) .

Ps - I don't like editors (that is all)
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:37 pm

So I got all excited because Netflix is finally going to start in the Netherlands next month :cheer:

All my friends of course immediately tried to tell me why I was a fool to part with (gasp) a whole 8 Euro a month "because you can pirate that all anyway." When I pointed out most people don't want to download questionable torrents when you can get high-quality streaming easily, plus oh yeah pirating is illegal, everyone had a good laugh about me actually bothering to add the last bit.

Not saying I've never pirated stuff (virtually always in recent years when I really like a show they don't air here) but sometimes it strikes me so very odd that my generation doesn't think piracy is illegal the way going into the store and, say, stealing a physical DVD would. Not saying I like everything the entertainment industry does, but I know enough about economics to know you're hurting a whole production team when you do it and I acknowledge what it is.

Just a random thought.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Swift » Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:23 pm

Rommie wrote:Not saying I've never pirated stuff (virtually always in recent years when I really like a show they don't air here) but sometimes it strikes me so very odd that my generation doesn't think piracy is illegal the way going into the store and, say, stealing a physical DVD would. Not saying I like everything the entertainment industry does, but I know enough about economics to know you're hurting a whole production team when you do it and I acknowledge what it is.

It is interesting, but if it makes you feel any better, I think such an attitude toward the law is pretty common, though in what way it is demonstrated varies.

I see it every morning on the Freeway, as people zoom by at 10 or 20 mph over the speed limit. They are breaking the law. I always wonder if they look upon their acts as breaking the law. I suspect their answers would be very similar to the "everyone is doing it" and "who is it harming" answers the pirates would give.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby code monkey » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:27 pm

Swift wrote:I see it every morning on the Freeway, as people zoom by at 10 or 20 mph over the speed limit. They are breaking the law. I always wonder if they look upon their acts as breaking the law. I suspect their answers would be very similar to the "everyone is doing it" and "who is it harming" answers the pirates would give.

more likely 'if i drove at the speed limit i'd be impeding traffic'.

rommie, not just your generation. my sister's husband obsessively copies the movies that he rents and is outraged when he encounters one that is copy-protected.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:18 am

Things that irk me: random people I meet who immediately take offense when I say something non-complimentary about living in the Netherlands or Europe or the people who live here. Apparently after two years and despite holding a dual citizenship one should just never do anything except sing a new place's praises.

Funny thing is I also don't rant about this kind of stuff or anything, it's usually just someone asks my opinion on something and the person starts listening in to the conversation.

I think some people just like to be offended.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Swift » Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:03 pm

Rommie wrote:I think some people just like to be offended.

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Re: BMR Lite

Postby geonuc » Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:11 am

^^^^ What he said.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:14 pm

So I'm TAing a second year course right now, called Astrofisica. Pretty basic standard course as far as these things are involved, and while I've had 25 students signed up for this class only 22 took the first test (ok, it happens...). Further a lot of students just haven't been coming to recitation, we first started with about 20 but are down to about half that on one of my two recitations and are now cancelling the second one (a Friday @3pm one) because I've never had more than 5 students show up for it- last week was just two.

Ok, students don't like recitations, whatever. But I'm proctoring the second exam right now and guess how many students have shown up? TEN. TEN STUDENTS.

I mean I guess I like having not as much grading to do but the fact that half the class has just decided to fail is astounding to me. The prof says this batch of students this year are just crap even for Dutch ones- lots of talking during lectures and not paying attention, and they're already pretty lazy- but this is just insane to me. And let us not forget these are physics/astronomy majors... not exactly disciplines that attract folks only around to pick up an easy degree.

I just really don't get it I suppose.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby FZR1KG » Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:17 pm

Rommie wrote:So I got all excited because Netflix is finally going to start in the Netherlands next month :cheer:

All my friends of course immediately tried to tell me why I was a fool to part with (gasp) a whole 8 Euro a month "because you can pirate that all anyway." When I pointed out most people don't want to download questionable torrents when you can get high-quality streaming easily, plus oh yeah pirating is illegal, everyone had a good laugh about me actually bothering to add the last bit.

Not saying I've never pirated stuff (virtually always in recent years when I really like a show they don't air here) but sometimes it strikes me so very odd that my generation doesn't think piracy is illegal the way going into the store and, say, stealing a physical DVD would. Not saying I like everything the entertainment industry does, but I know enough about economics to know you're hurting a whole production team when you do it and I acknowledge what it is.

Just a random thought.

Well, one can look at it like this too:
Many shows can be watched freely (by the public) because they have advertising.
So, if you watch the same show with the same advertising who is being harmed?
Also, a lot of people are too poor to buy the ad free show and by the same token are too poor to buy products advertised.
Others never buy stuff that's advertised. I fall into this category because I record, freely and legally shows then skip the commercials.

So technically I am able to do something both freely and legally yet I bypass the advertising by fast forwarding it.
Now, compare what a person who is watching the same show that they "pirated" to what I am doing and I'll stress again that I am allowed to record it and skip the advertising.
What makes the other person guilty while I am not when we are both doing exactly the same thing?

Another example, say I watch a show regularly but couldn't for the last four weeks because I was on a boat.
I can't get the episodes any other way because they have a limited airing schedule.
So, if I don't get "pirated" downloads for those missed episodes effectively I will stop watching the show live.
Since that will get reflected in the watchers statistics (cable knows who is watching what) the show will have lost one regular.
This happens more often than one would think. Cable boxes mess up, programs don't record, they get overwritten, they forgot to program it etc.
Almost everyone I know finds a copy "illegally" to catch up then resumes watching the show.

What would happen if they didn't do that, well, a lot of people would stop watching the show and wait till it gets released on places like netflix but that affects its ratings so in effect harms the production of the show more than a regular "pirating" an episode or two and continues watching.

Ever miss the pilot episode of a new show?
"Pirating" the first episode or two to catch up allows you to watch the show because there are rarely options that allow you to catch up "legally" while the show is still airing. If you never whatch the show, who will that hurt ultimately? It hurts the production crew etc.
Who does "pirating" those pilot episodes hurt? No one but it provides another regular viewer to the show which ultimately helps keep the show running.

Basically there is no simple solution to the problem. In many cases pirating as shown above is beneficial to the cast and crew but likewise there are the obvious examples where it hurts them.

Its just not as black and white as many would like to think it is. They put ALL instances in the same basket and that just doesn't reflect reality.

Re: BMR Lite

Postby SciFi Chick » Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:25 pm

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Re: BMR Lite

Postby SciFiFisher » Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:04 pm

FZR1KG wrote:Ever miss the pilot episode of a new show?
"Pirating" the first episode or two to catch up allows you to watch the show because there are rarely options that allow you to catch up "legally" while the show is still airing. If you never whatch the show, who will that hurt ultimately? It hurts the production crew etc.
Who does "pirating" those pilot episodes hurt? No one but it provides another regular viewer to the show which ultimately helps keep the show running.

Basically there is no simple solution to the problem. In many cases pirating as shown above is beneficial to the cast and crew but likewise there are the obvious examples where it hurts them.

Its just not as black and white as many would like to think it is. They put ALL instances in the same basket and that just doesn't reflect reality.

I think this is one of the reasons why networks are starting to post episodes online and allow you to watch them the next day. In some cases they let you watch the online version the same day. You want to see the season opener for "Once upon a time" and you missed it? Just go to the website that ABC has setup for that show and bingo! They also get a chance to show you those advertisements as some of them will not let you fast forward through them when you watch the show on the website.

Your cable box will now let you watch most of your TV and movies "On Demand". You don't even have to DVR or record it yourself. Just pull up the already recorded show and let your cable company (or satellite) stream it to your television. This usually only works for the most popular shows but they have a pretty good selection.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby FZR1KG » Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:05 pm

They are starting to but having a one day grace or even a few days for catching the pilot is IMHO nuts.
Many shows we watch are recommended by people who have found the show worthwhile and we find out half way through the season of sometimes when the second season is airing.
Every now and then we find we can get the show on netflix but this isn't always the case.
As SFC pointed out, netflix uses pirating sites to decide which shows people want to watch.

It takes time for some shows to develop a fan base. The ones that are good eventually get popular on pirating sites but once these early episodes are watched viewers go to cable. Lets face it, the quality is way better and you get to watch the show far more conveniently.

I have no idea why the shows aren't held on the sites that produce them. Throw in ads, stream them directly and you not only cut out the desire to pirate the show but they make money and know which shows are popular or not using data they collect on how many people are viewing.
Instead they complain about people watching the shows from pirate sites then percentage of them become loyal viewers.
Its madness. Someone needs to get their head out of their ass and cash in on the popularity. Here's a tip, THERE IS A MARKET THERE AND YOU HAVE THE PRODUCT!
Some are finally getting it though.

Re: BMR Lite

Postby SciFiFisher » Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:54 am

FZR1KG wrote:I have no idea why the shows aren't held on the sites that produce them. Throw in ads, stream them directly and you not only cut out the desire to pirate the show but they make money and know which shows are popular or not using data they collect on how many people are viewing.
Instead they complain about people watching the shows from pirate sites then percentage of them become loyal viewers.
Its madness. Someone needs to get their head out of their ass and cash in on the popularity. Here's a tip, THERE IS A MARKET THERE AND YOU HAVE THE PRODUCT!
Some are finally getting it though.

The networks aren't totally clueless. some of them do exactly what you are saying with some of the shows (not all yet). Once Upon A Time is a good example. You can watch the latest episodes. They do advertise but it's to be expected. The video quality is sometimes subpar depending on your internet speed. But, it draws you into watching the show the way you want, when you want, and they hope you do stuff like buy the episodes from streaming providers such as Amazon.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:29 am

Frenemy postdoc gave me a haughty lecture about how I should "ramp down writing" because I'll never get a postdoc if I do since I won't potentially have as many research papers as a result.

On paper yeah I guess it's good advice, because pop science writing does not count for a postdoc where what they care about is how many research papers you have. On the other hand, I care more about those articles than I do about the scientific research ones, and wouldn't be happy working if I didn't have time to write them, and why the crap would I completely throw something out the window when I know I'm really fucking good at it?

I reckon if I applied somewhere where they didn't understand the last point then it's not someone I'd want to work for anyway, and willing to apply for two cycles financially if that's what it takes to find such a position, but still, sometimes it feels irritating to smile and thank someone for their unsolicited advice on how you run your life.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Loresinger » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:07 pm


short and sweet: F him
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:20 pm

Loresinger wrote:Rommie

short and sweet: F him

Her. But yes. :P

One of those busybodies who is really good at what she does, but is also convinced that her way of doing things is the right and thus only way. I'm pretty sure if my adviser heard half the stuff she advised ME he'd be upset.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby code monkey » Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:39 pm

Rommie wrote:I reckon if I applied somewhere where they didn't understand the last point then it's not someone I'd want to work for anyway, and willing to apply for two cycles financially if that's what it takes to find such a position, but still, sometimes it feels irritating to smile and thank someone for their unsolicited advice on how you run your life.

how nice - she *cares* and she's decided to take you under her wing. all you can do is nod, smile and thank her. (and take a cleansing breath and thank dr lamaze!) if you hadn't described her as a frenemy i'd have said tosimply say that you really enjoyed the writing and were prepared to deal with the consequences. she's a post-doc. typically that lasts 1-2 yrs. with any luck she won't be there much longer.

and yes, it's *always* irritating to have to bite back the 'who asked you?', smile and say 'thank you' instead.
and still i persist in wondering whether folly must always be our nemesis. edgar pangborn

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Re: BMR Lite

Postby SciFiFisher » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:59 pm

code monkey wrote:
Rommie wrote:I reckon if I applied somewhere where they didn't understand the last point then it's not someone I'd want to work for anyway, and willing to apply for two cycles financially if that's what it takes to find such a position, but still, sometimes it feels irritating to smile and thank someone for their unsolicited advice on how you run your life.

how nice - she *cares* and she's decided to take you under her wing. all you can do is nod, smile and thank her. (and take a cleansing breath and thank dr lamaze!) if you hadn't described her as a frenemy i'd have said tosimply say that you really enjoyed the writing and were prepared to deal with the consequences. she's a post-doc. typically that lasts 1-2 yrs. with any luck she won't be there much longer.

and yes, it's *always* irritating to have to bite back the 'who asked you?', smile and say 'thank you' instead.

Of course, you can always say "Bless your heart, thank you for the advice.". Be sure to use a slight southern drawl when you do. :twisted:
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:06 pm

SciFiFisher wrote:
code monkey wrote:
Rommie wrote:I reckon if I applied somewhere where they didn't understand the last point then it's not someone I'd want to work for anyway, and willing to apply for two cycles financially if that's what it takes to find such a position, but still, sometimes it feels irritating to smile and thank someone for their unsolicited advice on how you run your life.

how nice - she *cares* and she's decided to take you under her wing. all you can do is nod, smile and thank her. (and take a cleansing breath and thank dr lamaze!) if you hadn't described her as a frenemy i'd have said tosimply say that you really enjoyed the writing and were prepared to deal with the consequences. she's a post-doc. typically that lasts 1-2 yrs. with any luck she won't be there much longer.

and yes, it's *always* irritating to have to bite back the 'who asked you?', smile and say 'thank you' instead.

Of course, you can always say "Bless your heart, thank you for the advice.". Be sure to use a slight southern drawl when you do. :twisted:

Hahahaha seeing as she's British I think I should next time I get some advice from her cause she wouldn't get it. :twisted:
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby Rommie » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:41 am

Ugh- agreed to proctor an exam but I just screwed it up. Basically I wasn't originally going to do it but covered for another guy who'd covered for me recently, didn't know students need to fill out questionnaires about the course at said exam (I find it odd now that I know) and the prof's email about what I needed didn't mention it, and during some severe excitement this morning when I realized said other TA hadn't printed out all the exam materials I didn't realize he'd also left an envelope with survey sheets.

That awful feeling when you get back to your office and realize you screwed up... :sos:

So yeah lots of misunderstandings all around I guess but I still feel seriously bad about it, as I know the admin folks tend to insist on those and I probably complicated the prof's life a bit.
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby SciFiFisher » Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:30 am

Rommie wrote:Ugh- agreed to proctor an exam but I just screwed it up. Basically I wasn't originally going to do it but covered for another guy who'd covered for me recently, didn't know students need to fill out questionnaires about the course at said exam (I find it odd now that I know) and the prof's email about what I needed didn't mention it, and during some severe excitement this morning when I realized said other TA hadn't printed out all the exam materials I didn't realize he'd also left an envelope with survey sheets.

That awful feeling when you get back to your office and realize you screwed up... :sos:

So yeah lots of misunderstandings all around I guess but I still feel seriously bad about it, as I know the admin folks tend to insist on those and I probably complicated the prof's life a bit.

Buy him an espresso, say mea culpa, and offer to get the group together to do the surveys. Chances are he will thank you and do it himself. Oh wait, this is BMR, sorry for offering advice and ideas. BMR away. ;)
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Re: BMR Lite

Postby geonuc » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:03 am

Your own mistakes are the hardest to accept. But it doesn't sound too bad, Rommie, and Fisher's got an idea.
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