Putin demands proof Syrian gov't behind use of gas:
http://www.rferl.org/content/syria-us-poised-to-act/25091456.htmlOf course, any kind of strike carried out, will lead to Assad's supporters dragging out bodies of civillians killed and blaming "The West" and stoke more anti-american sentiment.
My reading of Putin's viewpoint:
Putin said it would be "utter nonsense" for the Syrian government to use chemical weapons when its forces are winning in the fight against rebels.
"Common sense speaks for itself. The Syrian government forces are advancing, in some regions they have surrounded the rebels. In these conditions, to give a winning card to those who are calling for a military intervention is utter nonsense," Putin said.
"It does not fit any logic, especially on the day of the arrival of the UN inspectors, so I am convinced that it is just a provocation by those who want to pull other countries into the Syrian conflict, who want to gain support from powerful international players, first of all -- the United States" ...
Putin said Obama, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, should consider potential victims of a military strike.
Shouldn't he then be prepared to support UN intervention, not use his veto power and get China onboard too, if the inspectors do find chemical weapons were used, regardless if it is Assad's regime or not. Russia is a signatory to the chemical weapons ban treaty, his ally Syria is not. Where is wikileaks now, it would be interesting to have diplomatic cables between Russia, Iran and Syria, suddenly pop up in the press, especially if it turns out Assad's regime is behind the use of chemical weapons. If the UN can't support intervention, Kosovo does provide precedent outside of the UN. Can Turkey help find regional support for any action, not the usual "we support the idea something must be done, but we won't let you cross our airspace to do so".