Today is the anniversary of one of the three most important days of my life.
November 3 2007 I married MrPi
September 2 2009 I became a mom
Yes, Buster is 6! Holy hell, I can hardly believe it. We still get one more week of innocence, though. He starts kindergarten on September 9th.
And the third day:
March 20 2012 our family became complete.
In full FWIS form, derailing my own post to become focused on the non-birthday girl. I had always thought I wanted 2 kids, and fortunately MrPi did too. After Buster was born, I knew there was still a missing part of our family, and after Russter was born, that hole was filled. I felt no need to have a third child. Still don't. Good thing, because MrPi has gotten fixed.
Too bad ignorance isn't painful.
"Standing at the forefront of human ignorance." Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe